Erin Borrett is a Christian childbirth educator and doula.


I am a native Coloradan transplanted to Texas. My husband and I run a small homestead. I also homeschool our four amazing kiddos! We love nature and live in the country of North Texas. We have pigs, bunnies, chickens, and a huge African tortoise.

 My first doula gig was for a horse named Sym. I have since moved on to supporting human mamas, and it’s a lot more fun! My own birth stories are wrought with examples of births not going the way I envisioned. Because of that, my passion for birth has grown into a love offering. 

I want to support mamas and their right to birth how they want. I saw my first birth at 15 years old, and I knew at that moment birth would be a huge part of my life. I can’t wait for the privilege to stand beside you as you confidently step into your birth room.

Erin will be teaching class soon in the Greenville area.